Women Stop Having Sex

What happens to a country when its people stop having sex? Japan is finding out… Abigail Haworth investigates

There may be other reasons why women stop wanting sex, but here’s the top 10 (including some you haven’t thought about.) 1. She’s unable to orgasm (or

“Sixty-five or 70 is usually when women stop having sex,” she nodded with assurance. Do Women Stop Having Sex After Age 65? Erica Jagger May 14, 2015.

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Here are a few reasons why women stop having sex, and what you can do about it. 1. “Stress is one of the biggest reasons people stop having sex,” she says.

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Sex doesn’t stop as people age, Midway through the study, researchers asked the women if they were having sex, and about two thirds said yes.

Here are 7 things that happen to your health when you stop having sex.

If she’s stopped having sex with you, there could be a variety of reason. We investigate what might be happening, and what you can do to fix the problem.

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There is a stereotype that when two people in a heterosexual committed relationship are no longer having sex, the person who is most likely to have instigated the end

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Why do women stop wanting sex? Nearly HALF of all women will suffer from lost libido, with devastating consequences, but only now are the reasons are emerging.

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Just imagine having sex with an I find that depressed men are far less likely to open up about their depression than women. It can manifest as

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