Hair Attractive Pale

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In China & other Asian countries, pale skin is often considered more attractive. So much so that all moisturisers have a bleaching ingredient to make the skin paler.

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Pale skin and red hair is somewhat of a fetish for a lot of people so if anything it should be getting you more Do most men find pale skin to be less attractive?

Why do men find blonde women so very attractive? Blond hair in males does not correlate with oestrogen levels as it does in females and blond hair in males is not

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Feb 14, 2010 · What skin and hair combination do you prefer? Why is blonde hair and tanned skin considered most attractive? I have naturally dark brown hair and also

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Startling new psychological research challenges previous thinking that hair colour is when she was brunette the woman was actually rated as most attractive

For a lighter look, honey blonde is very attractive. It’s best to avoid light red hair, What color suits blue-black hair, pale skin with some freckles?

Many people still consider dark hair and pale skin to be extremely attractive.

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Far from looking ghostly, pale skin can look stunning whether you’re fair, brunette or have red hair, ‘providing your skin is flawless – especially on the body

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Mar 13, 2012 · I have pale skin and dark hair ( I’m Scottish) I was just wondering, do guys find dark hair and pale skin attractive or unattractive?

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